Saturday, March 28, 2009

Just a little bit more..

A few more colours that have been languishing on the back of the armchair that I thought I'd better pop up here...

"Summer Fling" (100gms available)

"Easter Eggs" (200gms available)

"Favourite Undies" (300gms available)

Go orn... ya know ya want to.....

$14 per 100gm roving
$22 per 100gms spun

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Ah, to dye another day...

Here are a couple of yummy colours to keep things ticking over....

Apple Blossom (ALL SOLD SORRY)


And finally, just to make everybody feel good about themselves.... here's what a stressed out teacher looks like on a Tuesday night!! Check out the bloodshot eyes and bags, eh! Oh boy, is it Easter yet?
"Think of a happy place. think of a happy place....."

Monday, March 16, 2009

A little taster...

OK, so I've been dyeing again.... so here are a few pretties to look at. I have plans to do some more over the next week (family life permitting - ya know how it is!!), but the weather is a shocker in Tassie at the moment for us poor,mad buggers who like to dry wet wool, and there's only so much space inside to hang the stuff to dry by the heater (that is, without sending the husbeast bonkers!!).

Watermelon on Tuesdays (200gms available)

Flowers for Nan (200gms available)

Little Bird (300gms avaialable)

Spring Violets (all sold!)

I've made some prices changes too... $14 per 100gms for the roving and $22 per 100gms for the spun yarn.

There are also a few handspun yarns looking for a home... $22 per 100 gms

Maurice the Bullfrog (Maurice found a home, thanks!)

Southport Storm (merino/angora 100gms)

Tangerine Glow (SOLD!)

Nemo's Garden (SOLD!)

If you're interested in buying something, just drop me a line either on my email: or find me on Ravelry and PM me - I'm "phezzit"!

I wonder if I'll ever get that pink kimono cardigan finished....

Monday, March 2, 2009

Short and curlies....

Bothwell!! Wowee.

The Bothwell Spin In was held this weekend in - you guessed it - Bothwell! What a fabulous idea for fibre freaks such as myself!

I think that what makes it worse for the wallet is taking a newly recruited fibre freak with you, namely, my sister. That girl sure gets a quick, sharp eye for the good stuff! We came away with a kilo of cormo each for $20 and the money went towards the fire appeal, so we were well chuffed! I also bought a huge bag of some caramel coloured mixed breed that's lovely and soft and clean and should wash up nicely.

Surprise of the day went to the lady who told us to wash our delicate cormo by getting a staple at a time and rubbing it on velvet soap, then rinsing it. I thought that it would have felted it for sure, but I gave it a go and it actually worked! I know what I'm doing next weekend....

I also managed to find me a few other fibres that are a bit unusual, like possum fur and baby yak to try.