Monday, November 15, 2010

The Clubs have landed!

It looks like the clubs have reached just about everywhere now, so here's the November clubs for your veiwing pleasure...

The boy club: Forest friends

The Girly Club: Babushka

The Unisex Club: Under The Sea

The Brooch/Stickpin Club: Bollywood Elephants and Babushkas

One more month of clubs to go! What's in store next month? Hmmm.... how about glow-in-the-dark buttons? Or sparkly buttons?

Friday, November 12, 2010

Button Club Porn!

OK folks, here are October's Clubs for your viewing pleasure.

First up, the Girly club.... lady bugs! That funny shape you saw for the clue was a ladybird box that came be bought in America. Apparently it's the done thing over there to buy or make a little home for the visiting ladybugs. A funny, but delightful idea I think. I have a feeling that it'l never catch on down here in Tassie though.

And the Boy Club... gnomes! Poor ol' Norman is a tad skew-if on the bottom line... been into the nectar a bit too much perhaps?

The Unisex Club..... Safari animals! I had a ball making these ones and hope to find the time to make a whole lot more because they're so much fun !

And now for the Brooch/Stick pin Clubs.... Geishas!

And for one special lady, a Darlek!

The 2nd month of clubs have gone out and are being received right now! As soon as our lovely New Zealand ladies have received theirs I shall post pikkies of them all.

And what's on my to-do list?

  • December cub buttons

  • organise that huge box of buttons I have into groups and put 'em onto cards

  • update the blog so everyone know's what's on offer

Ooooo, and I nearly forgot! I put together a ton of samples for the Ewe Beaut Sample Box. They have started to find their new owners now and so far everyone has been delighted... I quite liked them myself :)