Sunday, September 26, 2010

Oooo, you're such a tease!

Clubs are closed and the excitement is building. Thought I'd share some teasers :)

Firstly a teaser for the Boy Button Club: I wonder who might live here?

And now the Girl Club teaser.... yes, this is an actual 'thing'!

And the themes for the unisex and brooch clubs are:

Unisex button club: An African Safari
Brooch/stickpin Club: Geisha

I send them all out on Friday folks :)

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Club! Club! Let's have a club!

Yes, let's do!

Here's what I'm thinking:
  • I have 4 different clubs going at once
  • Club runs for 3 months - so that's one club delivery a month
  • Brooch club will have an option of a brooch back or stick pin and help to suggest a theme for the month.
  • 3rd option of button club (the Button O-rama Llama Farmer club) will help to decide upon a unisex theme for the month.
  • club cost will include registered postage within Australia, so ask about postage costs if you live outside of Australia.
  • All clubs will have a little 'extra' each month.
  • New Zealand club costs shall be there same as the postage costs aren't enough to warrant any real difference in price :)
Okay, so here's the specifics:

Club option #1 (the girly option)
A set of 6 20mm girly-inspired buttons once a month for 3 months.
COST: $30.00 for a 3 month subscription

Club option #2 (the testosterone/boy option)
A set of 6 20mm boy-inspired buttons once a month for 3 months.
COST: $30.00 for a 3 month subscription

Club option #3 (the unisex option) FULL!!
"Button O-rama Llama Farmer" club is for a set of 6 20mm unisex buttons of a theme voted on by the club members each month once a month for 3 months.
COST: $30.00 for a 3 month subscription

Club option #4 (brooch/stick pin option)
The "Let's get it orn" club is for a 30mm brooch or stick pin (individual club members choose) of a theme voted on by the club members each month once a month for 3 months.
COST: $16.00 for a 3 month subscription

How do I join?
You can either contact me on Ravelry (I'm 'phezzit') where I now have a 'Bird and the Fish' group or email me on:

How do I pay?
I'm happy to accept either Paypal or Direct Deposit. Please let me know which is your prefered method of payment when you sign up.

I hope to post out on the 1st of each month.
Club sign ups will close on the 24th of September (that's this month, eek!).

Hopefully I didn't miss anything in there - let me know pronto by message if there's anything you're wondering about.

Cheers, Jo